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Hiromitsu Seisakusyo in Numbers

Hiromitsu Seisakusyo in Numbers
Introducing the people who work and the way they work at Hiromitsu Seisakusyo
We introduce information you are interested in, such as "What kind of people are working there?" and "What kind of work styles are available?" in an easy-to-understand manner using numbers.
Please try to imagine yourself working based on the information! If you are interested in working with us, please feel free to contact us.

About Our People

About Our People
Average Age
(Excluding senior employment)
People who like cars/motorcycles
15 people

About Our Work Style

Work style
Annual Holidays
121  days
Golden Week, Obon, and New Year holidays (approx 9 days)
Average overtime hours
10 hours
Number of paid days taken per year
10 days
Certification rate after joining the company
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